Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poor Digestion Symptoms

In our modern society many people suffer from poor digestion. Some poor digestion symptoms include: bloating, constipation and gas but there are many other symptoms to consider: abdominal cramping, chronic fatigue, premature aging, joint and muscle pain, arthritis, and nausea are just a few of the other symptoms that can be caused by poor digestion.

Honestly, I must confess that for years I've been limiting the amount of water a was drinking during and after meals.  The reason for drinking less water during meals is to reduce the acid that the body produces and releases into the stomach. Acidity in the body is linked to chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's. But as you can see in the following report there are some researchers that suggest drinking water helps digestion and in fact, relieves bad digestion symptoms: does drinking water during or after a meal disturb digestion.

Researches found that there are no magic cures for indigestion, it's better to make changes to your lifestyle and diet rather than take medicines to relieve the symptoms of indigestion. A good balanced vegetarian diet can be the solution for good digestion. A vegetarian diet basically eliminates most of the toxins and poisons which causes the problem to begin with. This is the idea of natural cures for indigestion.  When you're on the vegetarian diet you basically don't need any treatment for heartburn.

Over-the-counter heartburn medication work by eliminating acid in the stomach and relieving the heartburn symptoms. Usually, the triggers for heartburn are overly fatty or spicy foods. The stomach is basically telling us that what to eating is not good for us. By taking anti-acid after such a meal.  We basically eliminate the acid in the stomach, resulting from the food that is not good for us thus eliminating the heartburn.  

Some symptoms of poor digestion are acid regurgitation, flatulence, heartburn, uncontrolled burping, nausea, pain in stomach and bloating of abdomen and many more. Many people found that ginger tea is great for curing indigestion, nausea, stomach pains and heartburn. I often drink ginger tea when I have a problem with my sinuses. Honestly, what I found is that this is really one of the best home remedies for treating indigestion.

I find this amazing that not many people know this. People when you overheat your food you destroy the digestive enzymes. It is well researched and documented that lack of nutrition, resulting from lack of digestive enzymes causes all the diseases your most afraid of and try to avoid most of the time. Yes, we're talking about cancer and other degenerative diseases. Basically, when you overheat your food over 118 degrees you killed the digestive enzymes. This also goes for all processed foods, which usually include process of overheating relinquishing the food from any nutrients.

There must be something wrong with this picture, but bad digestion symptoms are considered to be a normal thing in a society heartburn gas burping stomachaches and stomach cramps are indigestion symptoms that about 25% of Americans and Europeans suffer from. While so many people suffer from heartburn and indigestion. The cause for heartburn is still being debated by different groups. We must emphasize that when people do have heartburn is important to relieve the symptoms as to prevent further damage to the esophagus. Treatment for heartburn is necessary to avoid further damage to your digestive system. But eliminating the problem is even more important as the reason that these heartburn occur is usually related to foods, which the person consumed. Now why would you consume foods that you know, trigger heartburn? There's a reason why the body releases acid to digest. And the excess of acid, which causes you to have heartburn is trying to digest something, which is just too difficult for the body to digest. By eliminating these foods you can improve your your general health and avoidance those bad digestion symptoms.

Adrenal fatigue is one of the symptoms of poor diet and poor digestion. Some of the symptoms of what they'll fatigue are nervousness depression, hypertension, hair loss, weight loss compromised immune system, obesity and skin discoloration. Tired adrenal glands.or adrenal fatigue can cause many symptoms such as moodiness, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and insomnia.
If you're experiencing digestive problems, you may want to look deeper into the problem and figure out the source. It is always better to do with the source and eliminate the problem rather than cover it with metrication that reduce the symptoms, but over time may cause your body to develop some more serious illnesses diseases and degenerative diseases.

Irritable bowl syndrome or IBS is a condition where your stomach and digestion system basically takes a mind of its own and is just all over the place where many unpleasant manifestations such as uncontrollable watery diarrhea, stomach pains in cramps. IBS is very often caused by stress. To treat IBS you need to deal with the stress either by medication or other treatment, and you need another medication to help the stomach relax and go back to its normal function condition. If you ever experienced IBS. You would know that it's painful and miserable. When you're suffering from IBS, you might have diarrhea or be constipated. In some people you constipated one day and rushing to the toilet the other day.

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